I WAS amused at how you have apparently agonised over the removal of courtesy titles from your publication. There is a sense that you are reluctantly keeping up with the times. Above your note is a letter from Mdu Njeza, who proclaims your paper to be the "champ". I share his view.

I am a fairly recent subscriber, having made the change from a Cape Town publication, which has fallen below an acceptable level of reporting, in quality of prose and objectivity.

I too regret your decision, although it is a small matter and, perhaps, it is appropriate to move with the times.

However, if as you indicate, you are following the lead of other publications, I would suggest it is the worst possible motivation. The demise of any sort of quality in our local print media has been rapid and it is welcome that somebody upholds standards. It would be better to risk being "pompous and old-fashioned", than to join the league of others down the slippery slope of mediocrity.

Len Worthington-Smith
Cape Town