THIS CHAPTER quantifies all of the targets and goals for the South African economy and employment. The National Planning Commission has created a detailed and ambitious plan to create 11-million jobs by 2030 and thereby reduce unemployment to 6%. This chapter has been the target of much of the commentary around the plan, particularly from its labour critics.

To achieve the jobs target, the South African economy will need to sustain output growth above 5% a year, double the current levels of fixed and diversify the products we export and the countries to which we export.

Creating this many jobs - almost doubling the current workforce in less than 20 years - will require a concerted effort by all stakeholders in the economy, and will require compromises by labour, particularly in the early years of the plan. There will be pressue on wages while the country goes through a period of labour absorption. Unions will have to believe that government and business can create decent public services to supplement wages in these years. The social security, education and government capacity chapters are therefore important complements to this one.