RECRUITING in today’s competitive job market is tough, and success often hinges on your team. So whether you’re a startup founder, a young CEO or a veteran leader, if you have big plans, you have one job: Assemble the strongest team possible. Here are six tips:

1. Master the art of storytelling. You are trying to sell strangers on your idea and get them to leave well-paid, attractive jobs for something unknown. Begin by reflecting on what drew you to start your business. Refine that story by telling it to yourself, friends and colleagues.

2. Don’t be a one-trick pony. Applying two lenses to a job candidate — his background and his personality — will give you insight into how to deliver your messages. People interviewing for technical roles are often more receptive to sound, rational arguments, while candidates with an affinity for more emotional topics may want a sales pitch that inspires.

3. Find your mix: Pick a combination of recruiting channels with the highest chance of reaching the people you’re after. If you’re looking for digital talent, for example, you might recruit through AngelList, a platform for people interested in startups. Some of the best channels are personal networks.

4. Follow a stringent approach. You need a process that allows you to dig through hundreds of applications and then do eight to 10 interviews a day. You may want to start with an email that asks each candidate a few questions about her background. Then, invite her in for interviews that may include management and the team leaders and members she would potentially work with. Even if you realise early that her profile fits the role and you like her personally, don’t cut the process short. Going through everything will increase her pride when an offer is extended, which will lead to greater appreciation for the opportunity.

5. Make it personal. Candidates appreciate a personal hiring process that’s done by company leaders and future colleagues. Expressing appreciation for the individual is key.

6. Never compromise. When you know the company culture you want, the team dynamics you want or the quality bar for each position, don’t make hiring compromises. Use your first hires as benchmarks for future hires. Candidates who want to join your company should be as good as the existing team members — or better.

(Adapted from "6 Ways to Recruit Superstar Talent to Your New Company" at HBR.org.)

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