Advertise With Us

Business Day is South Africa’s most influential and respected daily newspaper, offering incisive coverage of business, the economy, politics, labour and other current affairs, written by the country's top journalists.

BDlive, the digital identity of Business Day that includes this website, apps for the iPhone and iPad and a mobile site, provides advertisers and other partners with a live 24-hour news portal.

With a newsroom producing content throughout the day, seven days a week, and equipped with useful tools and functionality, BDlive is an engaging platform for consumers of business content. That makes it the prime daily medium for advertisers of products and services that deserve the attention of decision-makers in commerce, industry and the government, or of anyone looking to participate in the South African economy.

To advertise in Business Day (print) or on BDlive (online), please contact us for more information.

Contact us

Eben Gewers (print) +27 21 488 1786 [email protected]
Reardon Sanderson (online) +27 11 280 9336 [email protected]

Business Day's reach

Print readership: 99,000 (AMPS 2014AB: Jan-Dec 2014)
Print circulation: 29,559 (ABC: Jan-Mar 2015) BDlive unique browsers: 601,916 (Effective Measure Apr 2015) BDlive page views: 2,301,696 (Effective Measure Apr 2015)

Business Day fact sheet

Rate cards for Business Day sections and supplements

Print advertising rates Download rate card (PDF)
Online advertising rates Download rate card (PDF)